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Rep Max Calculator

Simplifying strength training

Our calculator is designed for strength training enthusiasts of all levels. It is accurate and easy to use, making it the perfect tool for tracking progress and setting appropriate training weights.

Simple and effective

The Rep Max Calculator app is specifically designed to be a simple and effective tool for improving your strength training results. Its only goal is to calculate Rep Max values, and not intrude on your other preferred tools. Use it together with your regular workout journal.

Exercises and formulas

Whether you're a beginner or advanced, targeting isolation or compound exercises, such as squats, deadlifts, and bench press, or have a specific body compositions, the Rep Max Calculator has the formula for you. Experiment to discover your individual preferences and type of execise. We recommend beginners to start with the Epley or Brzycki formula.


Our app prioritize user privacy and fully respects your private information by not collecting it. You get a premium app designed to deliver unmatched quality tailored your needs.

Unlike other apps, you can trust that the Rep Max Calculator app's only intention is to help you reach your fitness goals.



Primary view of app Edit rep range view of app Select fomrula view of app


Primary view of app Edit rep range view of app Select fomrula view of app